Howdy folks..
Trying to catch up here with information, distribution, and satisfaction... Lets get to business...
Picture of raw fillet braze...I then sand it down a little and polish it out, but thats what it looks like after soaking off the flux...

Blog Zone World Wide Web Debut of the " Pajaro " brand of bikes... Made right here in the Pajaro river valley with the 2 same hands that make the rest ot the schlock that comes out of this joint... Pajaro's are just good ol'e bikes, tig welded full cro-mo work horses and beach combers... More to come....

Pterodactyl---- Caveman in the sky !!! !!!

Stems too, nothing new, all shapes and styles...

Long Chainstay touring rig... Great for down and dirty drifting...

More stems

Fixey commuter monster cross for Larry in Ohio

I like the rear end to have a little curve...

20 " cargo truck coaster braker- split in half kind of bike... Fun projects for sure and hopefully future production...

OK cool...Thanks