Doing some constructive procrastinating here... Followed are glamour shots of some Pajaro's..Script and head tube bird handpainted by local pinstriper Sampson... The Pajaro's will be built to order, mainly stock size single speed bikes of any wheel size with a few options and a half dozen choices of color. Base price for a frame will be at least 500$. These are basic bikes built well... Made within spitting distance of the Pajaro river... I'm making these as a relief from the over analyzed, overly serious, overly snobby world of custom frame building... The beauty of bikes for me is the sight of someone riding one, with a smile on their face, with a destination in mind, a place to go, fresh air....The Pajaro's will evolve as all my bikes have evolved, as the caveman has evolved, slowly....

Rock 'A' Billy Rebel

Medium duty 29er rambler for Devo the nomad... Pokey and Gumby color scheme... Word on the street is that Pokey was Gumbies love slave....

Super crowns... 29er mtb-CX-CX curved

Stock size XL 29/26 good old fashion mountain bike

Great Divide Basin, Wyoming... Early AM....

Dang...them are pretty things. So, what's the seat tube inner diameter, what tubeset will you use for the lefthand stays, and will they come in 80s Volvo mustard color? I'm dead f-ing serious. Cuz, I won't ride anything less, like the hairy masses in Prunetucky. Oh, and Huckabee says that cavemen were created. I eagerly await the twin lateral tubed mixte version of caveman in the sky...thank you.
mixte. rock out
kid c
"beauty of bikes for me is the sight of someone riding one, with a smile on their face, with a destination in mind, a place to go, fresh air.."
well said my friend
mmmm nuthin like the basin in the early am to make you wanna put some miles in.
i will take that cx fork, for free.
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