-Rob Ford, Toronto City Councilor
Email: councillor_ford@toronto.ca
We urge all friends of the bike to send a message to Mr. Ford explaining why he is way off-base. We recommend that you don't use any threatening terms or obscenities, as hard as that may be to do.
Below is a message you can copy and send to Councilor Ford:
As a cyclist and concerned citizen, I find your remarks concerning bike lanes to be appalling, highly inappropriate, and even dangerous. Cyclists have the same rights to the road as any motor vehicle in Canada, as well as the United States. Bicycles offer a reduction in traffic, improved environmental protection and better public health.
On behalf of the families and loved ones of cyclists killed by automobiles, we, the cycling community demand a retraction of your statement and an apology. Please know that your comments are rapidly circulating within the cycling community around the globe, and many cyclists hold prominent positions in society. What's more, cyclists vote.
that guy looks like he needs to ride more.......hopefully, he'll die of a heart attack soon.....dr. shredmor.
i bet he's a liberal
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