Howdy folks... Lets get back to the basics... Bikes bikes and riding bikes... A bunch of the DFL city crew came down to my neck of the woods for a 5 day self supported bike tour of some of California's most scenic and desolate bad lands. We encountered headwinds and tailwinds, rattle snakes and cougars, long climbs and long downhills, a few crashes, a handful of flat tires, one broken chain, and a whole lot of fun... Pictures are better then words, so here goes....From left to right---- PunkAssCam---SanoPat---Diligan---HardAsNailsHannon---CavemanDan---Ginger---RickTheStick---Woody

The first day was a nice cruise down the Big Sur coast... Diligan's rig looking tough

Day 2--- SanoPat topping out on Los Burros road.... Granny gears for everyone, next was a ridge run of 15+ miles with major ups/downs

Day 3 ---- A nice blooming Yucca on the old dirt road to Arroyo Seco

Day 3 still--- The gang at the summit of La Gloria road....

Day 4 ---A pic of Diligan throwing caution to the wind, this is Clear Creek road to the Ghost town of New Idria

Ginger bringing some SF grafitti to an old mine... Where did that Freewheel sticker come from ?

CaveManDan fixing up his palace..

Day 4 still---Diligan going ballistic on the long grind out of New Idria... Who says there's a lot of people in California. We made it to Mercy Hot springs that night for a bunch of tub soaking and star gazing.
Day 5 ---- Was all about Chava. ( pictured below ) He joined us for the last two days and towed our tired asses home at 22mph straight into the wind....

A little over 400 miles in 5 days with ton's of climbing and dirt roads.... Radio off
Thanks for your time and I'll try and get more junk up here more often...
Happy Trails
Wow that looks fun!! La Gloria Road twice in two weeks, that is crazy.
show offs!
looks rad, now get back to work...
great pics... thinking of you and Mary Anne today when steve and I were kayaking. love to do that with you guys someday.......
That's the kind of touring I want to do! Damn.
Had to read the photo credits to recognize Cam without the backwoods beard.
Thassgood Chava's wing is healed up too.
I'm sooooo jealous!
is that Dillan snodgrass?
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