The Jamboree is coming up quick, next saturday the 17th, high noon at Waddell beach.... Come one come all.... Its shaping up to be a good year with the spring rains starting, and the fields smelling ripe with fertilizer... The rail tracks look good with extra bonus broken glass and vagrant debris... here are some pixs from previous years... Can you guess who's who ?
Bring your mono speed and stay for the potluck after at the cold storage wharehouse in Watsonville... See you all then..

Here are some photos that Mike Evans just sent us....check out the guy (cool rad bro? ) without his shirt on! (bottom photo)

Mike also added that he was surprised that no one crashed in that peloton.... something about a bunch of women flashing them as they went by??
That’s Mountain Larry on a disabled women’s 3 speed. He removed the shifter cable in order to be legal!
With flat pedals....Didn't he win that year, or at least come in second?
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