Devo finally wrestled his bike back from G. Fisher...

Big Boy Road Machine

Tracked down long lost Sampson the Great and strapped him to a chair with all his little paint brushes...

Art all over the place...

Hernando's track machine... Chava dubbed these bikes " the Buffalo "...

Raw black and white batch of Buffaloes...For the Montano Velo cycle squad...

One end of the spectrum to the next... Full suspension... I've been rocking this one for a while now, very fun, though I spend most of my time in mid air !!

Close up of the concentric BB single pivot...

over and out...
I'm not sure why, but I'm a little surprised that the mono-stay to seat stays on the MV track frames isn't a straight shot. Is that an optical illusion, aesthetic, or was it to control stiffness.
They are pretty.
on a side note, I sear I saw you standing at a bus-stop in Aptos early in the AM a couple months ago...I assumed you would ride to the shop everyday.
That was me... I like the bus... 1.50$ one way, half hour commute, stress free... I ride my cycle alot as well but feel tired sometimes...
who are you , little jewford ?
Is that my road frame? I'm dying to see it. I wont be back north for a few more days..
Oh...I'm the short guy with fuzzy hair and a goatee who helps out the bella's with CX races....I usually help figure out what "expo" people will show and help them get set up...followed by several hours of drinking Del La Paz, free beer, and hanging out at the Vanderkitten booth till we teardown the course.
I'm actually in Monterey, but was avoiding the traffic on 1 while heading up to a meeting in SC the morning I saw you.
I dig what your saying about the bus...I use it to get from home (former fort ord) to work in Monterey often. Bonus is its free going into town!
Good to see the label makers getting some use for the prototypes.
I'd love to learn more about your FS frame. This is the second one I've seen from you (69ers right?).
Is there a reason you chose the 26" rear wheel? Maybe to keep chainstays short?
How much travel do those frames get and also, can you elaborate a bit more on the setat tube to front triangle junction?
Your personal frame is really cool looking. Is it exactly the same as the blue one you did for the NAHBS? Thanks!
Those Buffalo trackies are the joint.
Cool looking rigs.
Came by to say hi . . . that set of raw frames would make a rad bike rack for locking up. Sorry if it's sacrilege but don't you think?
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